

11 months ago
Last visit:
11 months ago



About me

Hello everyone! I'm Helena, your go-to gal for all things psychology and slots! Now, you might be wondering, how do those two fit together? Well, let me tell you, they go hand-in-hand more than you might think!

I've spent the bulk of my professional life delving into the intricacies of human psychology. Understanding why we do what we do, and how we can channel our habits and instincts into positive actions. My focus for many years was on helping people overcome addiction, including gambling addiction.

That's where my love for slots came in! I was intrigued by the allure of the game, the thrill of the spin, and the joy of the win. I started playing (responsibly, of course!) and learning all about the strategies and skills involved.

Being part of the SlotsMentor.com team has been such a delightful experience. I bring a unique perspective, focusing on the psychological aspects of the game, promoting responsible gaming, and making sure we all keep our gaming habits in check.

My hope is that my insights and tips will help you enjoy this wonderful game, while staying safe and sound. Remember, the fun is in the journey, not just the destination! Let's embark on this slots adventure together, one thoughtful spin at a time. 💫🎰

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